How to Break the Cycle and Stop Attracting (and Obsessing About) Situationships to Get the Relationships You Want THIS YEAR

Are you constantly attracted to or feel like you are attracting unavailable people?

Are you constantly in a cycle of relationships where: 

  • You are giving too much?

  • They are not giving enough?

  • You don't know how to let your walls down?

  • You feel unworthy in the relationship?

  • You find yourself trying to overcontrol to protect yourself?  

Whatever the dynamic, though you've tried to break the cycle on your own, it has been either unsuccessful OR successful for just a little bit, but it goes right back to how it was before. 

With this masterclass, you will learn how to begin the process to fix that internal magnet that attracts you to unavailable partners. 


  • My 4 step L.O.V.E. method needed to select better and available partners

  • What are red flags vs pink flags and green flags

  • Why we will ignore red flags even when we see them

  • My 4 step step healing mehod to make sure you change this dynamic for GOOD to get the relationships you want